Don’t have time to write? You’re not alone!

Finding time to write a book is near impossible, so scheduling time to write is the only solution.

But we understand it’s not that simple…so keep reading for some ideas to help!

Any significant undertaking requires sacrifice. Becoming an author is no exception. If writing a book were easy, everyone would be doing it!

It’s time-consuming to become an author. Most people don’t achieve the status of “author” because so much can get in the way during the process. But keep in mind we are here to help.

We frequently hear from aspiring authors that they try to fit writing into their schedule, rather than scheduling their time to write. We have never worked with someone who finished their manuscript by writing 15-30 minutes a day or just whenever they had time.

However, we’ve worked with dozens of now-published authors to break through the writing struggles and frustrations by helping them schedule time on their calendar and create accountability mechanisms to follow through on their writing goals.

It is crucial that you, future author, schedule your time to write. It’s as simple and as hard as that. Remember, it’s only for a limited period of time and then you will have your book forever. Keep the end in mind each and every time you write.

You may not look forward to every writing block, but you’ll be glad you wrote afterward!

Scheduling time on your calendar and honoring that commitment to yourself will help you stay motivated because you will see regular, real progress toward finishing your book.

Specifically, find two to three-hour blocks of time at least twice a week to work on your book plus a four-hour block on weekends.

Scheduling blocks of time to write will give you time to settle into your writing zone each session and will give you a very do-able eight to ten hours a week of writing time. Yes, this may mean giving up some leisure time, or time with family and friends, or some other time sacrifice, but remember, this is only temporary, and there is a reward at the end—your book!

When it’s time to write, turn off your phone, close down your social media and email, and put yourself in an environment where you will not be distracted.

Depending on your schedule and your preferences, you may prefer to find a quiet place at home to write, or you may prefer to go to a local café, outside in your backyard, a park, or some other place of inspiration to work. The important thing is to find a place where you can focus and get your writing done.

If you don’t feel focused and zoned in, it’s likely because you haven’t scheduled time to be distraction free, or you haven’t placed yourself in the “write” environment. Click here for examples of how to identify and find the “write” environments.

In addition to scheduling undistracted, specific times to write, you must hold yourself accountable. There’s no point in scheduling time on the calendar if you’re not going to follow through.

We ask our author clients to evaluate what was most helpful during their writing and publishing process with us. Overwhelmingly they reply “accountability”!

So, talk with your family and let them know when your writing times are so they are aware. Ask them for their support…and patience!

Post on social media that you’re writing a book and share the anticipated publication date.

Let co-workers know that you are writing a book and they will very likely ask you about your progress – encouraging you to make sure you have something to report!

Find someone in your circle who would be willing to check in with you once or twice a month or make time for you to call them periodically with a progress report. These reports do not have to be long conversations, but they should report on real work accomplished or discuss a stumbling block you encountered and what you’re doing about it.

When you keep an eye on your calendar timeline and know someone is going to expect an update from you, you’ll be amazed at how much more productive you’ll be!

We provide author coaching and writer accountability as well. In our publishing packages, we can provide guidance, accountability and support that is crucial for you to complete the marathon of writing a book.

And once you write the manuscript, we can take care of the publishing process. That’s what we do!

Contact us if this staying on track and accountable to your weekly/monthly writing goals is an issue you have been struggling. We understand and have been there.

For more writing tips, click here to download, “How to Write a Book in 90 Days!”

We wrote it with you in mind. You’ll be glad you downloaded it!

Also, at any time you can also reach out to us to schedule a complimentary consultation about your book. Tell us where you are and what your needs are. We’d love to help. All you need to do is reach out.

Click here to tell us more about you and to schedule a free call.